
Thursday, January 25, 2007


Been challenged to blog more by Lady Sultana. so here I am sitting in the visitors centre at Rottnest blogging on australia day. it's stinking hot, i'm pink from a morning at the basin. have tortured myself this holiday by readin a stephen king novel. he is gooood. unputtable downable good. gory horrible scary stuff but good writing nonetheless i blame stephen on my sunburn cos i just had to finish it. reading one of those novels is like being trapped i just have to keep reading despite myself (and despite the 3 - yes 3 maybe 4 "good" books i bought and the downloaded copy of alliancing - but that's another story)

therre are australian flags EVERYWHERE here. our neighbours are wearing it, hanging it, eating off it...goodness knows whaat else in it. somehow it seeems a bit oh i dunno - fake? i'm scared of the americanism of all this flag showing. but more than anything its the consumerism of it all ... these people have actually been to shops and paid money for all this paraphernalia. bet they don't keep it for next year. it'll just be ditched and another set of aussi aussi aussi oi oi oi shit will reappear next year (not carefully found folded in the laundry cupboard, bought brand new from crazy clarks) scary thing is i nearly got sucked in ...stood in front of the aussie merchandise and thought oh that diggers hat covered in the australian flag would be cute (cute????) on mumbling boy.

gonna go all jack on you and slip into stream of consciousness now from mumbling boy to little miss sunshine - now wasn't that a great movie. loved it how they made the boy silent. that period of growing into adult hood is perplexing and confusing and sometimes scary. for those adolescents who manage to tackle it gracefully is awesome .... and perehpas silence is a way of doing that - just sitting back with all your convictions and watching and waiting. i wouldnt want it though cos the joy the real joy of growing up with kids or should i say growing them up??? are the gems they come out with the suprising moments when you realise they are not just your flesh and blood they are these magnificent beautiful people, and thats just what my non silent 15 yo did to me the other day. what was beautiful was through his words his spirit that he was i think born with (oh nature/nuruture lets do that another time) came shining through ... gentle, thoughtful, kind.

ok 10 minutes to go on my credit ...gosh gee there's a lot you can type in 26mins ... i knew i should have aske to exchange the $2 for the $1.

back to rotto ... stunning stunning stunning. spent the first morning at kingston bay right in front of the Uribes (??) wreck. I was completely alone! people pay thousands for what we get here for very little dosh indeed. they've renovated the bungalows!! pretty spiffy and they still feel like the old bungalows, just a lick of paint really .... so I'm laying on the beach at kingston ...not a sould, sounds of airplanes (yairs!! there's a boloody lot of them flying round here?? noise pollution galore) a few speed boats the sea licking the sand ... the limestone provides shade.... what more could you want?? maybe some watermelon or grapes ....

ok folks i'm signing off here ... got to thinkin sitting in front of a keyboard can't compare to lying on a beaach with a good book.
