
Sunday, June 25, 2006

G's List

Here's a list of G's books to read:
Gilead, Marilynne Robinson
Portnoy's Complaint, Phillip Roth
Everyman, Phillip Roth
Merry Go Round in the Sea, same author as Tourmaline ...oops should know this, should google it ....
The Elizabeth Costello book
Disgrace, Coetzee

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I have the most gorgeous outstanding daughter. When I was younger, Mum used to talk about people with 'spunk' and it's in her definition that my grl has 'spunk', that enery and vivaciousness for living life. She has dedication to the cause of living life. We miss her 'round the house, because as a 12 year old turning 13, her priorities are definately outside of our realm now. I've met the gang though and they are GREAT, amazing how such a like minded group of people can come togehter. I'd be envious if I didn't feel as though I'm getting the same thing in life at the moment. Yep I LOVE my job! And it's mainly because of the people I work with.

I met this woman at work because ... oh this is going to sound weird ...let me start at the beginning...

But let's go for an 'ad break' - you need to know what's going on right now. Big Brother is playing in the background and the 2 big kids are rolling around on our newly inherited fold out YELLOW lounge chair (more about our scored inheritences in another post) They are, again, making a lot of noise, kind of antagonistic love. Argy bargy stuff. Threats of smelly farts are abounding, great weapon against new couch colonisation.

I started at my job about 18 months ago, not knowing a soul. Every time I had to go to the dunny, I walked past this funny open planned area where two fantastic women worked. Lucky I'm good at recognising fantasticness in people! So, every time I walked past, I'd say hi! And that's how I made my first friends. It wasn't long before the organisation made the decision that this particular location in our new building had some dodgy feng shui and moved the fantastic women elsewhere. But not soon enough for me to have made my first and fabulous friendship in this organisation.

Off to reading circle tonight. I've forgotton why I didn't like Ludmilla...luckily I've got my earlier post to refer to.

Saturday, June 17, 2006


I'm sitting at home with the TV blaring, it's that awful "funniest home videos" complete with a studio audience and glam big headed girl. The girls are shrieking in the kitchen, their laughing is eclipsing the popping corn. Last time I saw the bag of pop corn it was on L's head while she was walking 'round the house.

I spent three hours in the car today, dropping kids at various places - work, fun and a round trip back again. Lucky I like driving.

Oh yeah ...books... I've just read 'The Sportswriter", am onto a Patrick White novel and have the lurid pink cover of "Feminist Chauvinist Pigs" glaring at me.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Ludmilla, Ludmilla, Ludmilla .... not sure I want to say more than that about this. A gritty story with so much historical overtone that the story of the people - which I guess was DBC's way of linking the personal with the polical - successfully bored me to tears. I didn't care about the separated freaks. I didn't care about the beautiful Ludmilla. Perhaps the only character I cared about was the little sister.

I usually enjoy a book which gives me an insight into a political or historical situation. In this case I became irritated by the scratchy characters and the try hard out there character creation. What depth was there anway to the political situation. So what was I left with? Empty characters, none of the Vernon God Little gritty dialogue, nada, nothing.

Don't bother reading it.